What seems to smell nice and some skin and hair care products may be damaging your health. If you have a passion for people, principles and planet, please read on. 


Have you ever linked your migraine to your favourite fragrance or common cleaning product? A 2018 study by Breast Cancer Prevention Partners discovered 75% of toxic chemicals come from artificial fragrances.

Countless cosmetics, cleaning and personal care products could be a toxic time bomb to your body- a buildup of
harmful substances. A single scent can contain between 50 to 300 distinct chemicals. It’s a 90 billion dollar industry that seems to be ignorant and disinterested in the harm caused to people or planet, propped up by policy failure and gift wrapped as a feel-good fantasy. Besides potential migraines and respiratory problems caused by these toxic (yet what seems to be nice) smelling fumes, health advocates raise concerns of more serious side effects.

Up to 4000 chemicals are currently used under the umbrella of ‘fragrance’, but in this self regulated industry you won’t find any of them identified on label. More than 1200 fragrance chemicals have been flagged as potential chemicals of concern according to the 2018 report from Womens Voices for the Earth. In the report titled “Unpacking The Fragrance Industry”, these toxic chemicals include seven carcinogens, 15 chemicals prohibited from use in cosmetics in EU, and others cited in various international warning lists.

These chemicals contain Endocrine disrupters, which mimic human hormones and are of particular concern to many researchers and advocates, as they can have harmful effects in the tiniest of doses.



Most skin, body and hair care products are loaded with other toxic chemicals – scents are only one of the components.

In the same way that smell particles enter your nose; creams, gels and sprays also enter your body through your biggest organ, your skin. It’s fine when we are young and seem invincible. However, what you do today will affect you tomorrow - anaction, reaction relationship. Pounding your body now with toxic chemicals will cost you good health and quality of life long-term. Would you feed your pet rubbish? Would you fill your car with poor quality fuel or expose your house to termites?


“Organic is both natural - and hasn’t been exposed to toxic chemicals”

Like an unhealthy diet, poor fuel or termites, it may not appear damage is being done when you use toxic chemicals to smell and look nice. However, beneath the surface, these chemicals could be doing

serious damage to your body and wellbeing.


Because it’s the best investment in your health and our planet. This is not fear mongering, it’s fact. All the independent studies prove it. Furthermore, some of the healthiest and happiest people are those who think, talk, eat healthy - and avoid smelling and applying toxic chemicals. Whether it be food or anything else you put on your body, most fall into three categories, artificial, natural and organic. Artificial is something that does not exist in nature and most toxic and damaging to your health. Natural does exist in nature, however is not always good for you. For example, natural products may have been exposed to conventional farming where toxic herbicides and pesticides are commonly used. The end result? Those toxic chemicals can end up in your body once you’ve consumed food or applied skin and body care containing conventional ingredients. The best standard and best investment in your health is organic. The difference with organic is that it’s both natural, and it hasn’t been exposed to any toxic chemicals in the growing process. That’s the key principle, and it a massive reason to chose organic if you want the safest for you and our planet. In the past organic may have been perceived as an industry for hippies. Well, let’s give credit to them because some hippies are amongst the most intelligent when it comes to well-being.



When comparing the cost of ingredients in a certified organic product, to the artificial and toxic ingredients that go into conventional billion dollar beauty and skincare products, by comparison organic is a fraction of the cost. How many billion dollar organic companies have you heard of? Apples for apples organic is inexpensive - although it may appear otherwise on the surface. The damage those toxic alternatives do beneath the surface is what ends up costing us dearly. You get what you pay for. Most importantly, organic doesn’t destroy our greatest wealth, which is our health and the health of our planet. You may compare organic to cheap skin, body and hair care products. Once again when you compare the benefits and safety in organic products to those cheap alternatives, apples for apples organic should be multiples more. Cheap products, usually have cheap ingredients, that may be toxic. You get what you pay for. It’s not possible to get the best, for the cheapest. It is possible to get the best, for a reasonable price. There are also products that claim organic but not certified. 

One rule is very clear – if it’s not certified organic, it’s not necessarily organic and you may be paying a premium for average products. Please always compare labels, and choose wisely.


It’s generational.
For over 10 generations Tony and Hope Saba’s family have been passionate about people and planet, their love for organic a way of life. The legacy and dedication continues with one objective - to make certified organic as affordable and accessible as possible. We’re not in it for the short term. The key motive is passion and principles, where people and planet come before profits. Of course we need to be commercially viable. However, the joy of the journey is toward our team and community and give back to earth. Our Live LIFE mindset is all about Love Inspire Family Earth. It’s our DNA, not just a slogan and it’s about creating the happiest culture from within. SO is a part of the Happy Saba Group, devoted to all things organic, and giving back to the community.


“ Inhaling cleaning products over a long period of time can be as harmful as smoking 20 cigarettes a day. ”

-University of Bergen, Norway, study based on cleaning habits of 6000 men and women over 20 years. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 2018.



Saba Organics is the highest grade Australian Certified Organic that smells and feels great. A unique blend of organic extracts, free from animal products, parabens, sulphates, and toxic chemicals. When choosing organic you are choosing ethical and sustainable growing methods, supporting generations into the future. Made in Melbourne Australia at the base of the Macedon Ranges, SO is built on generations of rewarding team and community, and currently driven by experience professionals with over 100 years in organic wellness. SO products are independently tested at world leading laboratories for efficacy and safety, and available at leading health stores, pharmacies and independent supermarkets. Why certified Saba Organics? Because your skin is like a sponge, don’t absorb toxins!


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