All our memories with grandma Hope and grandpa Tony revolved around their passion for the family, community and earth. It was their life, not just a slogan.
Where it all started

Grandpa lived until 90 and was on the organic farm at the base of the Macedon ranges until the last year of his life. Grandma is 82 and still radiating with love and health. This year is their 63rd anniversary! We come from the richest family without money and we are so grateful for that.
They migrated from Lebanon many decades ago and love Australia so much that grandpa used to say, "when anyone comes to Australian and doesn't add value and respect and love our soil, go back one way!" They are big on passion and timeless principles. Like all loving grandparents, their whole life revolved around, not themselves, but giving back to family and country. That's where we got our 0% grumpy 100% happy attitude from! Being grateful and honest and only focusing on the positive is how we were brought up.
From a young age, when us kids came home from school, it wasn't about running to the TV or playing electronic games-we were exposed to very little of that and still are. It was about cooking together, smashing and pickling organic olives, or going into the garden, making sure the chickens had enough organic feed, collecting eggs and making the most awesome omelettes, watering the veggies and grabbing fresh fruits that actually had flavour - directly from the trees!
As we nurtured that beautiful organic family farm, ate far more then we worked, Grandpa would always say he wished all the earth went organic. He said in their day, "fruit had flavour and nutrition-not like many things these days, pretty on the outside but lacking goodness on the inside. And then there's all the toxic chemicals. When will people realise the cost to earth and our health is far more valuable than money and modern farming methods?”
We have to stop and think about all the poisons we are exposed to and the long-term side-effects on our immune system and planet. Choose certified organic whenever possible, it's the safest and best happiness and wellness policy.

Dr John Tickell

The importance of organic
Our grandparents were so aware of how important organic was that they even imported hand made organic body and skincare from their village in Lebanon. They knew that it's not just what we eat that affects our health but also anything that comes in contact with our skin, can end up in our body too. Our skin is like a sponge.

Our mission
We want to make certified organic more affordable and accessible than ever, and wherever possible produced locally. Why certified? Because as a rule, if it's not certified, it's not inspected and guaranteed to be organic. And what's the point of having something 70 or 80% organic? Good start, yet not the best.
So, what are you waiting for? Make the switch now and reap the benefits of going 100% certified organic!
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Our commitment to Net-Zero

Our ingredients
The full list from A to Z
100% certified organic
Our reasons behind the healthy choice